adding health to life...

Vedic Care Pvt Ltd

Welcome to vcpl,  AYURVEDA means “The Science of living a Healthy, Cherished long span of life”. AYURVEDA comes from “AYU” (Life) + “VEDA” (Science). AYU is defined as a combination of body, Senses, mind and spirit. Body without senses and mind without spirit is lifeless. AYURVEDA is not ‘man-made’, but believed to be a divine gift. Yes, it’s really a boon from divinity and nature, gifted to the mankind for creating an everlasting healthy life. AYURVEDA prescribes very effective medicines for even incurable diseases. Strict adherence to specified dosages, following the correct food regimen, and the deep understanding of the disease etc. makes it possible to find solution for even difficult to cure diseases. Continuous use is very important and MUST during the treatment with Ayruvedic medicines. Sometimes it takes long time to get result, but once improvement starts, it progresses satisfactorily. Here quality is an important thing and a quality product can assure satisfactory result instantly and curing process initiate.

We take special care for quality testing and implement only quality products to the market.

Our motto is “Pure Herbs Poora Poshany


26/06/2013 20:55

Know about Constipation.


25/06/2013 23:39

New Product Launch

Vedic Care launched first time in india a Natural, Safe & Effective Laxative "NSELAX" which is Salt & Sugar free & safe for cardiac & diabetic patient. The NSELAX is real blend of PHPP
